
Showing posts from January, 2022

English Tuitions for Integrated Program Students

English no doubt is the global language. And therefore it becomes vital to acquire proficiency in the same. Many university entrance exams and other competitive exams at the global level also test the English language skills along with other aspects like reasoning and mathematics of the student. Here is when English tuition for IP students comes into the scenario. IP stands for an integrated program, wherein in Singapore the top-level students who want to skip the O level and skip to A level go for this IP scheme. English tuition for IP students has many advantages; the holistic approach which is followed at these tuition centers proves to be quite beneficial for the preparation of the lad. The English tuition for IP students ensures the following be inculcated in the student: Narrative writing skills   Techniques which induce comprehensive answering style   Practice for summary writing   Argumentative, expository, and other approaches towards essay writing   L...